Charlene J Crawford is an RMT practicing Bowen, Aromatherapy, Facial Cupping & Gua Sha and Remedial Exercise.

Trauma and grief Informed care. Emotional Literacy.

My Qualifications


Member of NHPC in good standing 1997- present.

RMT and Bowen Therapist specializing in Mind and Body Bowen.

Also certified in aromatherapy, aromatic massage, facial cupping and Gua Sha, colour and sound healing (tuning forks), hydrotherapy, remedial exercise and yoga nidra.

Wildflower Flower.png

How to Book

We accept new appointments BY REFERRAL ONLY.

Walk-ins will not be accommodated.

All appointments must be made a minimum of 48 hours in advance. Evening and Saturday appointments may take between 1-6 weeks to aquire.

Referrals will be accepted from MD, ND, Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, UofA Student Care, studentcorp and mystudentplan. Proof of student card will be required and will be subject to verification.

Appointments may be booked via phone call or text message to (780) 915-7338.

All messages will be returned in the order they are received.

We do not offer online booking.



Massage Therapy and Bowen Technique

The application of aromatics, Gua Sha, facial cupping, tuning forks or hydrotherapy may be added to your treatment for an additional fee of 10$.

PLEASE NOTE* Student Care, studentcorps and mystudentplan fees are listed on the site affiliated with your benefit package.


30 min – $55

45 min – $75

60 min – $95

90 min – $145


Gua Sha Massage


30 min only – $65


Facial Gua Sha and Cupping


15 min only – $35


10632-71 ave, NW
Edmonton AB

We are located in the quiet neighbourhood of Queen Alexandra in a proffesional, residential office.

Follow the street, avenue and business address to locate our office. GOOGLE MAPS PIN is outdated.

There is ample parking along 71 ave and 107st. The best parking can be found on the west side of the property along the newly built, secure fence. Once you have parked, you may enter the office via the blue door next to the WILDFLOWER sign.

Should you have any questions or concerns with directions or location, message your therapist for assistance.

By appointment (see How To Book above)

Phone & Text
(780) 915-7338


What To Expect


Completing an Intake Form

At your first appointment you will be required to fill out a confidential intake form as well as a Covid-19 waiver.

This may take up to 10 minutes. There is no need to arrive early as this has been factored in to your overall visit and usually will not affect the time available for treatment. Your Covid-19 waiver must be updated before any additional treatments can be provided.

Your health history is important and may affect your treatment plan, depending on a variety of conditions.

If you have allergies, skin sensitivities or are required to carry an epi-pen you are required to inform your therapist when you book your appointment.

Assessment of Conditions

Once you have completed your intake form your therapist will take you to your treatment room where you will be asked about any recent injuries or health concerns.

At this time your therapist will work with you to determine any issues that may affect your treatment and create a treatment plan. A treatment plan is based on the information you provide and should include specific areas they will be working, how the draping will be done and establishing boundaries to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible.

At ANY point you can tell your therapist what you are comfortable with and what areas you do not give consent to treat. Throughout your visit you are welcome to ask any questions you may have regarding massage therapy in general or specifically related to your treatment. It is important to note that massage therapists must stay within their scope of practice and should not engage in talk therapy or mental health counselling. Should you require additional treatments beyond the scope of your massage therapists qualifications there is a referral system in place to help guide you to any additional qualified health proffesional.

Your therapist is not required to share personal information during the course of your visit and may prefer to work quietly and remain focused on your treatment. All efforts will be made to ensure your comfort and safety during your appointment. Feedback is welcome at all times. If there is anything your therapist has not asked but you feel they should know. make sure to tell them.

What to Wear

After you assessment is finished and you feel secure with the treatment plan, you will decide to what level you wish to undress. This is based solely on your comfort.

Your therapist is trained to work within any parameters of modestly. It is a common misconception that you need to be fully undressed during a massage. Your therapist will be able to treat you fully clothed if that is how you feel most comfortable.

Your therapist will tell you how to position yourself on the table and will leave the room. At this time you may undress to your own level of discretion and get comfortable on the table. Please ensure you are fully covered by the draping. Draping consists of a sheet and light blanket that cover you the entire time you are on the table. You will remain covered for the entirety of your treatment. The only exception to full body draping is when abdominal massage is indicated. In this case your chest will be covered by a towel and draping will be done to allow work over the abdomen only. Your lower body will remain completely covered.

It is common to start your massage treatment lying on your stomach, under the draping with your face in the headrest. You may also be asked to lie face-up on the massage table and remain completely covered.

The Bowen Technique can be done in the seated position and is best done over loose, comfortable clothing. Some clothing may be folded away from your body to allow your therapist to perform specific adjustments. This will be discussed prior to treatment and permission to adjust clothing will be requested in advance.

The Treatment

Now that you are comfortable on the massage table, your therapist will knock and request permission to enter the treatment room. Communication is key during your treatment and your therapist will check in throughout the session. Ultimately, you are in charge. If you have any discomfort or wish to change, alter or end your treatment for any reason, tell your therapist immediately.

Your therapist will use a draping technique to expose only the body part they are working at that moment. Your therapist will never expose your breasts, genitals, the gluteal fold or any body part you specify should remain covered.

Your therapist will invite you to communicate by asking how comfortable you are with the pressure of the massage techniques. If you are in pain, discomfort or would prefer more pressure applied, let your therapist know.

At some time in your session you may be asked to shift positions. Your massage therapist will gently lift the draping, giving you space to adjust and turn away, allowing you to shift in privacy.

Post Treatment

Your therapist will let you know when your massage is complete and exit the room. At this time, you will get up and get dressed. Take your time as it is common to experience a change in blood pressure if you have been lying flat for an extended period.

After you have dressed and met your therapist outside the treatment room you may be asked for feedback. Depending on the reason for your treatment and your response, your therapist may recommend additional sessions, stretches or homecare to maximize the benefits of your massage.

At this time your session is complete. You will be given time to pay for your treatment and book a follow up appointment if indicated.


It is our intention to provide our clients with the professional and therapeutic services in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.



Please arrive as close to your scheduled starting time as possible and notify your therapist when you reach the Declare Center. In order to maintain social distancing protocols you must wait for your therapists direction to enter the office. DO NOT enter the waiting room without permission. When your therapist is confident that disinfecting protocols have been reached, You will be welcomed into the office and required to sign a Covid-19 health screening waiver. Masks are required at all times for both client and staff members.

* Should you feel you have been exposed to or suffer from Covid-19 viral infection. Do not attend your appointment and seek professional medical care.

All appointment have a specific time schedule. If late arrival is inevitable your service may be shortened. The original treatment time will be charged.

Should your therapist be responsible for beginning your treatment late, action will be taken to ensure you are compensated. You will either be given adequate treatment time or a credit for time missed at your next appointment.


We value your business and ask that you respect the office scheduling policies. Should you need to cancel or reschedule, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance.

* Special consideration will be given for symptoms related to Covid-19 symptoms and testing. As your appointment can not proceed if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms.

With adequate notice, we have the option to fill your appointment from our cancellation list. All efforts to notify us are appreciated and may result in the waiving of your fee.

Failure to give notice will result in a cancellation fee equal to the value of service missed.

No Show Policy

We understand that events may occur that will prevent you from attending your appointment. However, we ask to be notified of any changes to your appointment. Clients who miss their appointments without notice will be charged for their schedule service. A follow up appointment will not be scheduled with an outstanding fee.


You are required to pay for your treatment at the time your receipt is written and at the end of the session,. Payments can be made via Cash, Cheque or secure E- transfer only. We do not direct bill as the client should have the responsibility of interacting with their insurance provider.

Please note, we can no longer provide change and do not hold cash on the premises. If paying with cash, please bring exact payment.

In order to donate our time to student care we have chosen to keep our fees low by declining the use of Apple Pay, debit and credit cards.

Receipts will be written for the date. time and amount of your session. There is no option to use the name of another family member or split your session into two separate payments. It is our understanding that Insurance companies will not honour separate claims within 24 hours

Any request to adjust a receipt with false information is considered fraudulent and will be denied.

Informed Consent

Prior to any session your treatment plan will be discussed with you. At your first visit you will be asked to sign a consent form stating that you have read and understand the applicable information and agree to comply with your therapist’s professional policies.

It is the responsibility of the client to inform the therapist of any changes to their medical history, treatment or health conditions. It is important to notify your therapist of any allergies or sensitivities to aromas or ingredients when booking your appointment.

Confidentiality & Conversation

We treat every appointment and condition as confidential Therefore, we will not discuss any details of your visit without your permission.

You may choose to talk or not talk during the massage. Conversation will be guided by the clients direction.

Scope of Practice

Registered Massage Therapists do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions and will refer you to a medical Doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Massage Therapy and Bowen services are not intended as an alternative to medical attention. Please refer to a qualified health professional for any specific condition requiring medical treatment

COVID-19 Considerations

We operate within current COVID-19 guidelines.

  • Appointment required

  • Mask required

  • Temperature check required

  • Staff wear masks

  • Staff get temperature checks

Non-Discrimination Policy

We believe everyone has the right to be treated equally, regardless of race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, language, religion, culture, age, ability, marital status, genetic information and income.

Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.

Should you require a chaperone for any reason let your therapist know at the time of booking. Children are welcome in the office with an appointment only and must remain masked at all times. Due to Covid -19 restrictions family visits will be booked at least one week in advance.

Respect and Boundaries

Sexual interaction and discussion of any kind between the client and massage therapist is NEVER appropriate. The client will refrain from touching the therapist for any reason. Any inappropriate touch or conversation will result in the immediate termination of your session. Professional disciplinary action may be taken to prevent the booking of any future appointments.

If you have any further questions regarding our policies and procedures please direct them to Wildflower Aromatics at 780-915-7338.